Hi, everyone! I'm thrilled to bring you a very talented author today. I've known Nana for a few years now, and became a fan of her writing with her first book, Game, Set, Match. She has a lovely way with words, and the emotion she includes really packs a punch.
So today, I've invited her back to tell us a little about herself and about her newest release, Sexy In Stilettos. Let's hear what she has to say before we talk about this awesome new book.
Nana, briefly take us on the journey with you – when did you start writing, did you start in the genre you’re published in now, what hurdles did you have to overcome, etc.?
N.M.: I started writing in 2000 after reading Bridget Jones’s Diary. I wanted to be able to make people laugh or cry or both at the same time with my works. It took me ten long years to publish my first book. After Reading Bridget, I just plunged into the deep end of my first novel without thought to story structure, plot or characterization. In short, I had no idea what I was doing. But I was eager to learn, so I took classes, learned to submit, got over a hundred and fifty rejections and my first novel was published in 2010. Game, Set, Match. I’m so grateful to my editor, Tori Spence at The Wild Rose Press for seeing something in that story.
It's a great story. Can I plug it some more? (Seriously folks, it's a great story!)
Ahem. Got distracted there. Obviously you write in the Contemporary Romance genre. Is that your favorite genre to read? Do you write in any other genres, or under any other pen names you’d like to share?
N.M: I do really enjoy contemporary romance. Particularly Interracial. They’re stories I can relate to, like they could be my friends. I also write in Paranormal. And when I’m looking for an escape into a new world, that’s what I read.
Of the books you have published, do you have a favorite? If so, which one and why?
N.M: Oh man. Such a hard question. To be fair, I will say my current book Sexy in Stilettos because Jaya is probably the closest character to my personality.
What are your published titles and please tell us about anything coming down the pipe next
N.M.: Game, Set, Match - Sexy Contemporary
Reluctant Protector – Superhero Paranormal
Sexy in Stilettos – Sexy Contemporary
I am currently working on the sequel to Reluctant Protector called Forsaken Protector due out in June. And right behind that one is the sequel to Sexy in Stilettos called Sultry in Stilettos, due out in August.
Oooh -- busy schedule! But exciting to be sure.
Let's talk about Sexy In Stilettos -- but first, check out this cover, all! And the blurb as well.

What's worse than having to watch your sister marry your ex fiancé? How about when that fiancé fires you from the family business?
Hyper-organized, event planner Jaya Trudeaux is used to doing things by the book and never making waves. It’s a strategy that’s served her well until she finds herself in failure alley with no fiancé, no job and her thirtieth birthday looming. Maybe it’s time to change her methods. Starting with an unlikely date to the wedding from hell.
The only thing that can tie carefree playboy, Alec Danthers down is his formidable step mother. When she calls him home to help find his wayward brother, he never imagines an uptight, list making, sass- talking woman would make him think about putting down roots.
Can Jaya put the lists down long enough to enjoy the ride that is Alec? Will Alec stop running long enough to recognize true love
Nana, could you tell me about your plot development? How did the idea spur, did you have to do much research, any interesting tidbits that we should know?
N.M.: The idea was a simple one. Anyone who knows me will tell you, I’m hyper organized and love me a to-do list and will never do anything without a plan. I am married to a man who hates to be project managed and loves to be spontaneous. Alas, we often clash.
I started thinking about the most extreme versions of our personalities and how in the world a couple like that would get together.
As for research, I have plenty of experience planning trips, keeping the details in my head then “suggesting” things to do to my husband on the trip to appear more spontaneous
Laugh! After my own heart, I swear. We project managers have a way about us... Nuff Said!
Let’s talk heroes, cause yours are to die for.
What’s one thing about Alec that we wouldn’t necessarily learn in the book?
N.M.: He’s always wanted to learn Krav Maga but alas, that would take sticking around to study it, so it hasn’t happened yet. Perhaps Jaya will make him a plan to get it done.
All heroes are unforgettable in one way or another. What’s one thing about Alec that makes your heart go pitter-pat?
N.M.: I always think about their meet scene where she literally walks into him and his first impulse is to hold her, make her feel better, no questions asked. Deep down, he’s a solid guy, he’s just too scared to commit.
If Alec doesn’t have a pet in your novel, what kind of pet would best suit his personality?
N.M.: A virtual one. He wouldn’t have to commit to feeding it or anything.
Hah! Too funny.
Moving on to heroines...
Everybody has flaws. Sometimes they are endearing, other times they are annoying. What is Jaya's greatest fault?
N.M.: She’s extremely closed off to change. It literally makes her seize up and break into hives.
Cough. Nothing related to yourself there, eh? I know change drives me through the wall.
Without giving away details that might spoil the story for those who have not read it, could you tell us the one strength Jaya provides to Alec?
N.M.: She centers him. Because she’s so loyal and looks ahead she forces him to take a look at his life and examine if he’s happy.
If Jaya was your daughter – what advice would you give her upon meeting your hero?
N.M.: *Grinning* Give him hell and make sure he has a detailed plan for getting there.
Well said, well said!
If we peek in on your hero and heroine’s lives ten years from now, can you give us a glimpse of what we’d see?
N.M.: Alec and Jaya on vacation with their two kids with Jaya and the children armed with hidden guidebooks and maps all “suggesting” cool things for the family to do. All the while, tickets are bought and spots reserved
Since we've heard so much about them, I want to show off this excerpt. Sit back and enjoy, readers!
Alec + Alec + Alec equaled So. Totally. Screwed.
Jaya slapped her hands over her flushed face. What the hell had she been thinking, sleeping with Elevator Guy? She’d bought in to Micha’s whole moxy pep talk. Stupid, stupid, stupid. More stupid if she just lay here, waiting for Mr. I’m a Sex God to wake up. Awkward post coital—make that multiple coitals morning-after seshes—were so not her thing.
Launching herself up, she darted a glance at Alec. Talk about excellent bed partner. He certainly knew what he was doing. That’s probably because he’s slept with every woman from here to Sweden, honey. Don’t go thinking it’s something it’s not. While she talked her body out of believing all the things Alec had told her last night, she tried to stretch as achy muscles protested in a honey-you-used-muscles-you-had-no-business using way.
Lifting the sheet covering her to the neck, she peeked down. Yeppers, definitely naked. Not at all a dream. As the events of the previous night started to unpeel themselves like an onion, she flushed again. She'd slept with him. More than that, she'd seduced him. And somewhere in the foggy sex haze, she’d asked him to be her date.
Jaya blushed when that memory flooded her brain.
“Oh, God.” She cringed when the whisper filled the silence. What had gotten into her last night? She'd barely had anything to drink, so it hadn’t been the alcohol clouding her brain. It had been her stupid plans. They'd gotten her jazzed. She’d listened to her friends. Worse, she’d wanted to believe she could be someone different. Once she figured out how to get her life back, her brain had started to think she was invincible—like she could make anything happen. And she had. She peeked under the sheet one more time and still, she wasn’t wearing any clothes. Three, no make that four times—with a total stranger. Well at least he hadn’t killed her and chopped her up into the freezer. Thank Buddha for little favors.
Okay, must escape before the awkward, gosh-I've-seen-you-naked-now-we-must-make-small-talk conversation. If she could slip out without waking him, she'd never have to see him again. Never mind the fact that's she'd asked him to be her date for the wedding. Damn, she'd practically offered to pay him—with her body. She covered her eyes. Moron didn't even begin to cover it.
Okay, girly, find your big-girl panties and bounce. Erm, make that thong. Standing up, she swept from side to side, looking for her dress. Nowhere in the bedroom. A stirring in the bed had her freezing like a cockroach in the daylight. When Alec settled himself back to sleep, she let out a long breath. Right. Dress came off in the living room. She padded out to the main room. Success.
While shoving her arms into the slinky red number, she allowed herself a little pat on the back. Yeah it was a stupid stunt, but God knew she needed it. That was the first time she'd had sex in nine very long months. Since Derrick, actually. She'd gone for it—all out. No holds barred. Problem was, now that she’d had sex-so-good-you-wanna-slap-your-ex, she remembered how much she liked sex—craved it. Even worse, she really liked sex with Alec.
Her body melted into readiness at the mere thought of his sure touch. Too bad you won’t be doing that shit again. Grab your panties and wallet and go. Except, she still couldn’t find her damn panties. They'd been on the table when Alec had taken them off, but she had no idea where they were now. Whatever. She could buy another pair. She grabbed her clutch and made a beeline for the door. Glancing down at her bare feet, she frowned. Oh, right. Shoes. She’d kicked them off somewhere around here.
Finding the stupidly expensive shoes under one of the foyer chairs, she slipped them on, immediately lost her footing, dropping her purse. Shit, shit, shit. Gathering the wayward items, She checked around to see if she could see the panties but couldn't. Get gone love. No more one night stands for you. Most important, no more Alec Danthers. Reckless didn’t even begin to cover her behavior. There were reasons for rules. And she was a rule follower to the letter.
Yum -- that sounds very entertaining! So a little more about you, Nana, before we let you run away to that vivid imagination.
What’s been the greatest contributing factor to achieving the goals you’ve accomplished?
N.M: I’m driven as hell and loathe the word no.
Do you have goals you have yet to meet?
N.M: Releasing 7 books this year. Though, I’m nearly halfway nearly halfway there.
What fictional character would you like to be, and why?
N.M.: Lizzie Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. There was a woman never afraid to speak her mind.
Thank you, Nana, for stopping in today.
For those of you who are as fascinated by Jaya and Alec as I am, here's some more information:

Nana's love of all things romance and adventure started with a tattered romantic suspense she borrowed from her cousin on a sultry summer afternoon in Ghana at a precocious thirteen. She's been in love with kick butt heroines ever since. With her overactive imagination, and channeling her inner Buffy, it was only a matter a time before she started creating her own characters.
Waiting for her chance at a job as a ninja assassin, Nana, meantime works out her drama, passion and sass with fictional characters every bit as sassy and kick butt as she thinks she is. Though, until that ninja job comes through, you'll find her acting out scenes for hubby and puppy while catching up on her favorite reality television shows in sunny San Diego.
Get in touch with Nana:
Nana Malone
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