Another peek at last week's release, Enslaved by Fear.
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If Micah touched her again, if he put that incredible mouth on her skin once more, she didn’t trust herself not to turn around and claw out his eyes.
“Don’t…touch…me,” she ordered in a near whisper.
He drew back in a flash. The mattress bounced as he shoved off the bed. “You know—the hot and cold I can do without. Either you want me, or you don’t, Brigid.”
For standing against her brother, Brigid McLaine is imprisoned within her home. All she wants is freedom and the ability to follow her dark nature. But captivity poses a greater threat in the form of her handsome guard, Micah Nelson. Day after day of confinement leads her down a treacherous path of desire she can no longer ignore.
When Micah befriended Brigid six years ago, he never imagined the woman who haunted his every fantasy would end up being the very same demon he's employed to guard. During the forced confinement, he comes to learn the softer, gentler side of the woman who is despised by her family--and he recognizes the fear that keeps her chained to her sire. As their bond strengthens and passion ignites, Micah str uggles to convince Brigid to confront her fears and escape her incubus father's dark designs.
Yet with the sabot of Litha so near, one of them must make a choice. Will Brigid find the ability to confront her sire once and for all and embrace the lightness in her heart--or will Micah find the courage to let go of the one thing he wants most? Brigid.
Ancient Celts
Claire Ashgrove
Enslaved by Fear
Inherited Damnation
Paranormal Romance
Awesome six.
Ooh, very interesting. Mixed messages, love those stories.
She better get it together ;).
The mixed messages make for great tension.
Powerful, he seems to me to be a man worth fighting for...excellent excerpt, intriguing!