Wow. Once again, a month's flown by and I haven't even realized it. It seems more and more like the rate things get added to my To Do list increases at two times the rate things get crossed off.
So what have I been up to in this last month?
Well, I finished my first round edits for the first book in my Immortal Templar Knights series. This was, quite frankly, fun, and I've discovered a whole new joy in the word editor. Mine has some seriously great ideas!
I also finished Templar Book 4, and it is currently out with my beta readers. It is, of course, my favorite one so far -- somehow they all end up being that way when I finish. This hero, however, has held my heart since the first appearance he made in the series. It was immensely enjoyable to grant him his happily ever after. And this book allowed me to take a slightly different approach to the subplot that I've been building.
Then, I ticked off a short story for The Wild Rose Press, and have begun work on another Christmas project for TWRP as well.
In between there, there's some working with critique partners, attending RWA meetings, and I've taken some time for me as well.
I also received news that my first romantic suspense novel finaled in the Great Expectations contest, and was absolutely thrilled!! It's now in the hands of the final round editor and I am anxiously awaiting results. Fingers crossed.
The latter really ended up in a total change to my scheduling. One thing I noticed, I write in a pattern more or less. Set hours, set word counts, certain things going on in my environment. For instance, I either have to have it quiet, or the History Channel, International must be on. Anything else distracts me. I prefer to write in two chunks -- one mid-afternoon, and one late at night.
Well, the mid-afternoon chunk had to be reapportioned into the late night chunk. Not a big deal in the scheme of things, but it has taken some adjustment. And I don't think I realized how schedule-driven I was until not writing in the middle of the afternoon left me a little restless.
Are any of you that way? If your writing time gets shifted, or compromised, or sometimes even negated, do you find yourselves out of sorts?

Congratulation on the rewrites and finishing the 4th book. Keep it up girl.
To do list desolve really well in the toilet! Get rid of the thing and do what feels right when it feels right to do it. All the other stuff ignore them. UNLESS, of course, it has to do with your writing. In that case get a marker find a wall and start making those list.