Every author, almost, has a circle of critique partners who willingly rip manuscripts into shreds to help the author reach the best work possible. We cry together, we laugh together, and we most definitely vent together. As a good friend once said, critique partners are like marriages. And no truer words have ever been spoken.
This year, I'm tickled pink to see the accomplishments my critique circle has made. In one month's time, five of the eight people I have worked with on a regular basis have climbed mountains.
Elisabeth Burke finaled in The Golden Heart for her historical romance entry, The Healer.
Dyann Love Barr sold to The Wild Rose Press.
Alicia M. Dean sold another novel to The Wild Rose Press.
Trisha (name withheld) has editors jumping to review her manuscript.
Another woman, Heather Snow, (who has not been a regular critique partner, but who I have worked with on occasion, and is a fellow chapter member and good friend) finaled in The Golden Heart with her Regency Historical, Sweet Enemy.
I said five, and left off one. A week ago I signed with literary agent, Jewelann Cone of the Atlantis Literary Agency. This is a milestone for me, and I'm ecstatic about it. I will not share details, but suffice to say that in the short time I've been under contract, I am extremely impressed with the work she's done.
So... critique partners -- WAY TO GO!!!
I'm proud to work with you, proud to have been able to contribue to your success, and I am indebted to the contributions you've made to mine.
Let's toast and hope the rest of this year goes just as well.

YAY to all your friends. What a month, huh?
Congrats on your agent, Claire!!! So excited for you. I hope we'll work together more in the future. For now, I'm off to finish rewrites on Sweet Enemy!