Hi all! It's been a crazy week on this end, but I'd like to usurp my own blog and leave the summation of what all has been happening for a later post. Today I'd like to introduce you to an upcoming author who I enjoy a great deal, Ms. Kathleen Collins.

Kathleen has been a part of RWA Chapter activities with me, she's a great leader, and even better in the writing department. She has a broad background, and I've asked her to share some of the things that has led her to where she is today.

So, with that said, Kathleen, tell everyone a little about yourself – what genre you write in, how long you’ve been writing, what do you do in your non-writing time?

KC: I write in a lot of genres. The book I have out on submission is an urban fantasy, I’m also working on a romantic fantasy and a short scifi piece. I wrote my first story in kindergarten and never stopped. I can’t imagine ever not writing. When I’m not writing I’m spending time with my friends or family, reading or crafting.

As you've grown up, and life has taken you down adulthood, how did you come to the decision that you wanted to write, or maintain the hobby you started at such a young age? And, how did you determine what genre best fit you?

KC: I don’t know that I really made the decision. It’s something that I really can’t decide not to do so the only option is to do it. It is almost impossible for me to focus if I go any length of time without writing because I’m writing in my head even if it’s not going on paper. All that stuff floats around in my head and I start to run out of room. I like any genre where there is an element of the unreal – paranormal, fantasy, scifi. I like to be able to twist reality, to make my own rules.

I am so with you there, on all of what you said. I share that sickness -- writing even though I'm not technically punching keys. And the ability to craft your own version of reality is one of the most freeing things I've found in writing. So I'm with you 100%!

What steps did you take to get to where you are now, and which do you think was the most important?

KC: I’ve participated in several crit groups, edited for a small press, got an English Lit degree from ISU. I think the most important thing I did though was to socialize and connect with other writers. They’re really the only ones that are going to understand what you’re going through at every stage of the process. It’s important to have that sounding board.

Again, I concur. There are many people who support me, but sometimes it's just refreshing to have writers in your life. I think we're the only people who can share our collective madness. Laugh!

What’s your favorite thing about being an author?

KC: The freedom to create worlds with the rules I want. If I want a world where JFK lived for example, all I have to do is write it.

JFK alive... the question is... did Marilyn survive with him?

What’s the most challenging thing about being an author?

KC: Finding the time to write. I work full time and have a husband and two young children. It’s a real balancing act to find the time to write, and it’s something I’m still working on. Eventually I hope to have a routine that really works.

You'll find one. Of all the things I know about you, it's your commitment to the things you believe in and hold close. I've not witnessed anything you've done half-way, and as dedicated to writing as you are, you'll find a way to make that routine work.

In three sentences or less, tell us what you’re currently working on. What makes you love this particular project?

KC: I am working on an urban fantasy called Possession. At its core it’s about a woman risking everything for the man she loves. It doesn’t get any better than that. I love this story because it’s about my heroine. It’s her journey and I love to watch her take it.

Tell us one story related to your writing endeavors. Amuse us, make us cry, make us cringe or make us smirk – your choice.

KC: When I was in eighth grade I wrote my first book. It was a horror novel in the vein of RL Stine or Christopher Pike. When I was 17 MTV was having a writing contest and the winner got their book published. Yes, I submitted my sad, sad little book. All 28,000 words of it. But I’d made the font real big and fixed the spacing so it was the right length. *head desk* I was so naïve.

Laugh! Oh my -- the things we've done before we learned the "rules". But, that's particularly inspiring that you did something like that at such a young age. I'd have been terrified. It's also indicative to your drive, and something folks should keep in mind -- never, never be afraid to go out on a limb when it comes to publication.

What is the best piece of advice that you’ve ever received about writing, and the pursuit of publication?

KC: Don’t give up, it’s all a matter of taste and timing.

What would you advise authors who are working toward publication?

KC: Step back. From your work, from the internet, from everything if you need to. Don’t allow yourself to become so overwhelmed that you lose your focus, it’s easy to do.

Awesome advice and one I should probably listen to this week. Thank you for the reminder!

Last but not least, is there a place we can keep up with your publication endeavors?

KC: Sure! My website is www.kathleencollins.net. I am trying to get better at updating my blog, but that requires time and I’ve already mentioned how hard that is to come by. :)

Okay everyone -- bookmark that site! For those of you also traveling the publication journey, she shares her experiences on her blog too, and there's some really good stuff there.

Kathleen, thank you for stopping in and sharing your thoughts. I wish you the utmost of success, and hope that you'll come back to keep us updated as things go along. You're welcome any time you have a free moment to compose!



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1 Response so far.

  1. Nice interview ladies. Kathy I miss you around HeRA. Glad things are going well. I bookmarked your site, so I will keep an eye on you. Take care.

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