I have news to share on the Templar series, my paranormal series coming through Tor in January, 2012.
I'm super excited to share the cover -- yay!! and the back cover copy.
Immortal Hope, The Curse of the Templars, Book I
Templar knights defied the archangels and unearthed the copper scroll, revealing the gates to hell. Cursed for their forbidden act, they forever roam the earth protecting mankind from evil. But darkness stalks them, and battles they fight bring them ever-closer to eternal damnation. One promise remains to give them salvation – the return of the seraphs.
Embittered by his purpose, Merrick du Loire must honor an ancient pact and bring peace to his cousin’s soul. When he stumbles upon history professor Anne MacPherson, he discovers she possesses a sacred artifact that marks her as a seraph. Duty demands he set aside his personal quest and locate the knight she’s fated to heal. As he struggles with conflicting oaths, Anne arouses buried hope and sparks forbidden desire that challenges everything he’s sworn to uphold.
Anne has six weeks to complete her thesis on the Knights Templar. When Merrick takes her to the Templar stronghold, he presents her with all she needs—and awakens a soul-deep ache, he alone can soothe. Yet loving Merrick comes with a price. If she admits she destined for him, her gift of foresight predicts his death.
I'm so excited this is really almost here! Can't wait to have the book in my hands!
Immortal Hope
Knights Templar
My Books
Paranormal Romance
Tor Romance

As someone who has a loved one serving the country, I want to wish everyone a happy Memorial Day. There's a cost we've all paid for the country we've created, and those men and women who gave their lives for it are heroes on so many levels.
Many of us enjoy today as a day for family and friends, barbequing, patio drinks and other fun celebrations. Around here, the lake is a big draw for Memorial Day, and the traffic around my house (off a main route to the lake) is insane! But all these people are celebrating, even if many of them don't stop to think about why we have the holiday, what it means, and what the toll is on families whose brave soldiers have given lives for the day of sunshine and pleasure. I know for a long time, I didn't. But one afternoon, I remember driving, and passing a field -- yes a literal field -- that someone had set out flags in. Lots of little bitty flags all over the place. It hit me then... and from that point forward, I try to take a few minutes to acknowledge how America came to be what it is.
Now, with my personal connections, it is even more impacting.
Stay safe everyone. Enjoy the holiday, and take a few minutes to acknowledge those who've given us what we have.
Holiday Blog
Memorial Day
I love new covers!
A little story about this one -- designed by the fabulous Rae Monet. I didn't really provide a lot of detail on my cover thoughts with this one, and left it pretty much up to Rae. Lo and behold... she tapped into some higher frequency and pulled some things out of my head.
First, at no time did I mention the couple was dancing in the book -- lo and behold, my cover has a dancing pose.
Second, at no time did I mention what my hero was working on -- in the first scene he's "working" he's drawing a dragon. Lookie at that little dragon on the computer desk.
Third, I'd thought to myself at one time, "Something in blue would be nice. I don't have anything in blue. If even just the text."
And we have blue!
So congrats Rae on having a metaphysical link with my brain.
Enjoy the cover, folks, for Misunderstanding Mason
Contemporary Romance
Misunderstanding Mason
My Books
What perfect timing for a foal to make an appearance. Days after Waiting For Yes released, Orion's last foal decided it was time to join our lives. After staying up all night with her Mommy, waiting for her to decide to give over and give birth, she graced us just as the sun began to lighten the sky, shortly before Seven AM.
She's a pretty little filly who's name is Orion's Legacy, and goes by "Legs" (as dubbed by my oldest son). She's also quite the replica of Orion in many ways. Lots of color. Lots of pizzaz. The Tipiest little Arab ears I've seen in a long while. Four near-perfectly matched white socks. Sabino and Rabicano markings. And a personality that is awesome.
Unlike the horses in
Waiting For Yes, Legs is not a Straight Egyptian. She's half Davenport, and her dam is a huge mover, so she should have a good future in dressage. She's the full sister to another mare we have, Ourania, who has a similiar personality, similiar build, but didn't get the flashy color.
Legs is the first foal we've bred in three years, which also makes her quite special. And while the actual getting was a product of "Oh crap you left the gate open, son," it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.
A perfect legacy...
Waiting For Yes
Well, I have some wonderful news on the heels of my newest release!
If you've signed up for my newsletter (Here) you already know most of this. But that's why I have the newsletter, a little bonus for those of you who take the time to read it. For those of you not subscribed...
I'm pleased to announce that the two novellas I submitted to The Wild Rose Press were both accepted. Look for Misunderstanding Mason and A Broken Christmas later this year.
Also, my first romantic suspense endeavor went on to sell in Turkey as a straight thriller. Untrustable will be released sometime next year in hardback. While I won't be able to read a word of it, I'm uber-excited to get my hands on that book and put it on my shelf. Turkish covers -- can't wait to see what they do with it!
On that vein, you may have noticed I quietly added a new page to my blog -- the tab marked Tori St. Claire.
The same romantic suspense prompted the creation of a new pseudonym. Evidently, my sexy romantic suspense was just a tad bit sexier than I realized, and Berkley has taken me on as a member of their HEAT (erotic) line. It will not hit the shelves as "Untrustable". Right now the title is still being bantered around. And I do caution that this book -- and those to follow under Tori St. Claire -- are very hot. But this has been a phenomenal experience for me so far, and I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to join the ranks of authors I adore!
This adds another title to my January 2012 releases, as the erotic romantic suspense is scheduled to release then as well as Immortal Templar Knights.
As you can see, April has been an exciting month. More to come, on more mundane subjects, as the week goes by.
A Broken Christmas
Contemporary Romance
Erotic Romance
Knights Templar
Misunderstanding Mason
My Books
Tori St.Claire
Wild Rose Press